Elastic search backend fetches logs from elastic search instances. The backend requires credentials to access the elastic search instance. The credentials can be provided as a Kubernetes secret or right in the config file itself. Read more about authentication here.
You can craft the elastic search query using Go Templates. The view data for the template is the search param.
Example configuration
apiVersion: apm-hub.flanksource.com/v1
kind: LoggingBackend
name: k8s-backend
- elasticsearch:
- type: 'logs'
idPrefix: 'es-'
foo: bar,baz
name: flanksource-*,!flanksource-demo
address: 'https://logs.example.com'
message: 'log'
timestamp: '@timestamp'
- 'transaction'
value: 'elastic'
value: 'my-secure-password'
index: 'backend-logs'
query: |
{{if .Page}}"search_after": {{ .Page }},{{end}}
"sort": [{ "@timestamp": { "order": "desc", "unmapped_type": "boolean" } }],
"query": {
"bool": {
"filter": [
{"match_all": {}}
{"match_phrase": { "agent.name": "nginx-ingress-controller-f6zx7" }},
{"match_phrase": { "agent.name": "nginx-ingress-controller-r46vg" }}
Field | Description | Scheme | Required |
routes |
Specify routes that would match this backend. (Read more Routing) |
[]Route |
true |
labels |
A set of key value pairs that'll be attached to individual items in the search result. | map[string]string |
optional |
address |
Elastic search instance URL. | string |
true |
query |
The query for elastic search. It's a go template which will receive the search param as it's view data. |
string |
true |
index |
The elastic search index to look for the logs. | string |
true |
namespace |
The Kubernetes namespace to search for cloudID , apiKey , username & password . |
string |
optional |
fields |
Additional configuration to customize what should and what shouldn't be fetched from the logs. | ElasticSearchFields |
true |
cloudID |
Elastic Cloud cloud id. Applies only if the elastic search instance is hosted on Elastic Cloud. |
string |
optional |
apiKey |
APIKey for the elastic Cloud instance. Applies only if the elastic search instance is hosted on Elastic Cloud. |
string |
optional |
username |
Username for the elastic search instance. | string |
true |
password |
Password for the elastic search instance. | string |
true |
This configuration can be used to customize what should and what shouldn't be fetched from the logs along with few other things.
Field | Description | Scheme | Required |
timestamp |
Specify the field that'll be used to extract the timestamp for each log. | string |
true |
message |
Specify the field that'll be used as the message for apm-hub search result. | string |
true |
exclusions |
By default, all the extracted fields (apart from timestamp & message field) are returned as labels in the search result.Specify the fields that should be discard from the result. |
[]string |
optional |